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日期:2021-04-06 18:29:00八掌柜发布:www.bazhanggui.com抖音很火的生日短句人气:59我来评论

导读:总裁告示部下: 你有问题先别来找我,你有点子速来敲门From a boss' bulletin board: come to me with your ideas, not your problems. 向前看需要眼力,向前走还需要魄力It takes vision to look ahead, but coura...


你有问题先别来找我,你有点子速来敲门From a boss' bulletin board: come to me with your ideas, not your problems. 向前看需要眼力,向前走还需要魄力It takes vision to look ahead, but courage to go ahead. 能接受别人的忠告其实是在思索对方的思想高度One who can sincarely take advice can take pleasure in the other's difference 清醒的头脑远比聪明的脑袋来得重要A cool ludgement is better than a clever mind 敬业, 一项不会失败的投资 Hard work is a never-failing investment. 理解的法则:先去理解别人的不理解之处Thefirst step to understanding another is to try and master his problems. 清醒的头脑远比聪明的脑袋来得重要A cool ludgement is better than a clever mind 举得起放得下,叫举重;举得起放不下,叫负重.It's okay to lift a weight and then put It down—that's exercise.but when you lift and hold It. You're Just taking on a burden. 何谓高明?精明减一点,开明加一点Wisdom sometimes means being less shrewd and more open-minded 金矿有时候离你很近 Sometimes the gold ore leaves us to be very near.

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