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日期:2022-04-21 10:03:00八掌柜发布:www.bazhanggui.com生日最暖心短句人气:29我来评论

导读:dota2赏金猎人台词(1) 开始游戏时: No job is too big,no fee is too big. 不嫌票大,不嫌钱多 疾风步时: Long time no see. 好久不见= =! 杀死标记的英雄: My allies have earned their keep. 我所有的同伙都...



No job is too big,no fee is too big. 不嫌票大,不嫌钱多


Long time no see. 好久不见= =!


My allies have earned their keep. 我所有的同伙都得到了奖励


There was a price on your head. 你头上写着标价。

Just business,nothing personal. 这是工作,不是私人事务

I didn39;t come here to see my enemies grow rich. 我来这里不是为了看敌人赚钱。


I39;ve collected all five bounties! 五份赏金我都要了!(目测调戏地卜师)

See,Huskar,no need to rush it. 看,哈斯卡,不要急于求成

The price on a god39;s head is immeasurable. 神的头是无价之宝

Alive or dead,Skeleton King. Pick one. 生存或死亡,骷髅王,你可以选择一个

You39;re wanted dead or alive,I don39;t know which you are but I39;ll collect your bounty all the same. 我不知道你现在是死是活,但不管你怎么赏钱,都是一样的

No more hiding behind your friends,Vengeful. 复仇之魂,不要躲在朋友身后

I39;ll cut your bowstring,Drow. 黑弓,我想切断你的弓弦

Ah,Spectre,my toughest bounty. 幽鬼,你的赏金最难赚

Nyx,you39;ve disposed of your last victim. 小强,处理最后一个猎物

Hold still,Geomancer! 地卜师,别动!

How many of you do I have to kill? 我应该在你们中间杀多少人?

You may fool others,but not me. 你可以欺骗别人,但对我无效

Riki,I39;ve always known you were a backstabber. 隐刺,我知道你喜欢在背后使坏

Impressive technique,Riki,but not enough.技艺高超,隐刺,但还欠一些热量

Not stealthy enough,Mirana. 米拉娜,你还不够猥琐

The Tidehunter becomes the hunted. 潮汐猎人成了潮汐猎物

You can39;t hide in your web forever.你不能在网上躲一辈子



Ah,subtle Mirana. ,米拉娜,火眼金眼

Help me seek them out,Drow. 小黑帮我抓出来。

Tidehunter,let us hunt together. 潮汐猎人,我们一起去打猎吧@@

Rikimaru,I didn39;t see you join us. 隐刺,我没看见你加入我们。

Riki,let39;s sneak up on them together. 隐刺,我们悄悄地跟着过去

Cover me,Sniper. 火枪,掩护我

Lay the trap,Templar Assassin. 圣堂,放好陷阱

Nyx,show me what you can do. 小强,让我看看你能做什么



Highway robbery.路上有人抢劫

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